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Breast surgery

The breasts… in all their curves very much the epitome of femininity or even womanhood. Breasts form your silhouette, graciously make up a bosom… You wish to redraw the contours of your body, to allow you to feel good in your body, and in your clothes as well as feeling more feminine?

BeClinic offers a range of specific surgical solutions : breast enlargement – breast reduction – breast lift – nipple surgery. Click on the adjacent buttons to find out more about each procedure.

And for men suffering from excessive development of the mammary glands, BeClinic offers gynaecomastia.

Your breast will be operated on by the most capable hands, those of Doctor Frank Plovier.

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+32 (0)2 309 9000
+32 (0) 472 321 000*

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(only for Belgium face to face consultations)

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(only for online consultation foreign patients)

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